Welcome to LeadX 360 Tutorials, here you can find self-help articles and training videos to make sure you get the most out of this awesome platform.

As an Admin User you play a key role in building LeadX Community, including:

This is the first page you see after logging in, as a Manager User you can use both Mobile & Desktop, however we suggest you use Desktop for the best experience.

Located across the top of the Landing Page.

Create sales news

Personal Profile

Located at the top-right of the Landing Page, click boxes for more information.

Located down the left-hand side of the Landing Page, please click boxes for more information.

Internal in-App communication with all Licence Users

KPI’s & Overview of your whole LeadX environment

Business Intelligence Dashboard & Performance Overview

SuperUser behind the scenes control over your LeadX environment.
See the Features in the table below.

As the Admin User you have complete control over your LeadX environment.
Select on the boxes below for more information.


Organization Profile


Child Organizations

Data Export

User Management

API Registration

Role Configuration

Located down the right-hand side of the Landing Page, please click boxes for more information.

Contract won.
Green Bell means a contract has been won!

The green line on the left shows this notification has not been opened yet.

This notification has been viewed.

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