LeadX Data

The LeadX Platform stores the following information:

Type of Information


Type of Information


Parent Organisation

This is the default (original) organisation you have as our LeadX customer.
You can only have 1 parent organisation.

Child Organisation

This is any additional organisation that is created underneath the Parent. You can create as many Child Organisations as you require, however the structure only allows for them to sit directing under the Parent. For example you cannot have a Child organisation underneath another Child organisation.

You can only access Child Organisations if you’ve purchased the
Multi-Organisation Feature and you are logged in as Manager.


A Lead is information captured and posted in the LeadX platform.
This information must include Lead Title and Company Name to be posted.

A Lead can be Closed as Won or Lost. The Parked function is used when a Lead journey stalls, whilst placed on Parked none of the Lead information is counted in the KPI’s.


A Contact designates an individual Person or Company.

  • Contact Company: Name/information of the company associate with a Lead

  • Contact Person: Name of the representative of the Company or the point of contact/decision maker.

For Norwegian customers, the LeadX Platform provides Brreg Integration to autofill Public Information of the Company that is established and registered in Norway.

Sales News

This is created by The Manager User. Sales News can be shared with specific Organisations or specific Licence Users within an Organisation.

Only Manager User can create or manage Sales News in the LeadX Platform.

Sales Feed

The Sales Feed notification feature is automatically generated after specific activities occur in the LeadX Platform.

There are 3 types of Sales Feeds:

  • Sales Feed notification generated after specific action taken for a Lead

  • Sales Feed generated after the Manager uses ‘Ring the Bell’ feature after winning a Lead

  • Sales Feed notification generated when Parent organisation transfers or passes a lead to a Child organisation and vice versa.

Lead Sales Activity

The Sales Activity Feature is utilised for creating a Lead specific activity that is usually performed by a Sales Professional while working on the Lead.

LeadX provides following types of Sales Activities:

  • Email

  • Call

  • Meeting

  • Other

Lead Task

Create a Lead Task ‘action plan’ list, select a deadline and tick off the tasks as you complete them.


The Notes feature can be utilised for capturing and recording any specific information or discussion related to the Lead. Anyone who has access to the Lead can view the Notes.